Miscarriage Causes

Common Miscarriage Causes

Most miscarriages are a one time occurrence, and occur due to chromosomal abnormalities occurring in the fetus. Up to 70% of all miscarriages occur due to chromosomal abnormalities occurring in a faulty egg or sperm. When an egg or sperm develops with more or less than 23 chromosomes the resulting embryo will have a chromosomal abnormality that will prevent it from developing properly.

Sometimes the chromosomal abnormality will result in a blighted ovum, an instance where the placenta and the sac develop but contain no embryo. This is because the embryo failed to form at all during the pregnancy, or else stopped developing in the very early stages. A blighted ovum will result in a miscarriage, although it may take several weeks for the miscarriage to occur.

Less Common Miscarriage Causes

  • Hormonal Imbalances
  • Diabetes
  • Vaginal or Uterine Infections
  • Use of Alcohol, Drugs, or Cigarettes
  • Weakened Cervix
  • Abnormally Shaped Uterus
  • Immune System Disorders
  • Clotting Disorders of Pregnancy
  • Exposure to Harmful Chemicals
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