Miscarriage Symptoms
Symptoms of a Threatened Miscarriage
- Abdominal Cramping - much like menstrual cramps
- Spotting or Light Bleeding over several days
- Bright Red Bleeding
- Disappearance or lessening of pregnancy symptoms such as morning sickness, fatigue and breast tenderness
Please keep in mind that bleeding alone is not a sign of impending miscarriage. It is possible to have a small amount of bleeding from the placenta, and the pregnancy continue on as normal. In fact sources range in their statistics stating that anywhere from 20-50% of women who have first trimester bleeding will continue to have healthy pregnancies. So don't panic.
Symptoms of a Miscarriage in Progress
- Heavy Bright Red Bleeding
- Passing of Large Clots and Tissue
- Passage of Placenta and Sac, or greyish tissue
- Intense Lower Abdminal Cramping and Back Pain
- Cervix is Soft and Open
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, please call your doctor or midwife. Although a miscarriage cannot be prevented once in progress, they will be able to give you instructions and reassurance on your condition. If you are bleeding heavily, please have someone drive you to the nearest emergency room.
Miscarriage Questions
- What are miscarriage symptoms?
- What are the chances of miscarriage?
- What happens when you have a miscarriage?
- What are the common causes of miscarriage?
- How can I prevent miscarriage?
- What is D&C and do I need to have one?
- How long do you bleed after a miscarriage?
- When can we start trying to get pregnant again?